December 16 AM


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"Wacht am Rhine"

German 16 AM  

Click to zoom in!The Series Replay begins.

The Germans open with a standard set of moves and attacks that are identical to that most recently used by Randy's Germans in the recent AHIKS tourney finals.  Turn-about is fair play!

The main objective is attrition via FFs and ENG results.  A relatively low-odds against the bridge defenders at 1424 is a risk but one I always take.  (Bob Ryan and Bruno Sinigaglio both have alternate opening assaults that raise the odds here that are probably just as viable.)

Post CombatNot the greatest results a mix of both good and bad.  No defenders eliminated and 14AC only retreated one hex which I always find annoying.  ENG the 29/109 in the South was nice as that defender is now doomed.  The big 'loss', from my perspective, was only displacing the 14AC one hex which allows the US to extricate an otherwise surrounded element of the 106th.

-- Tom

LQ Rating:  3.36

Allied 16 AM  

US16AMMove.jpg (219308 bytes)The opening guns indeed provided mixed results. Any Engaged vs an infantry unit in the south is a minor German coup. This result vs 28/109 was countered by the one hex advance vs 14AC, allowing 106/422 to move to Schonberg. I don't place quite as much importance on an advance vs the Bloody 110th as do some others, but Tom's built bridge on the first turn certainly helps him. The Firefight vs 102AC in Monschau was unfortunate but offset by unremarkable results vs U.S. 99th.

After the trouncing Tom's Yanks gave me in the final round of the AHIKS Bulge Theme Tournament, I promised him I would try to come up with an unorthodox reply on my opening move in this game. I will attempt something I have not done since the early days of playtesting and that is to defend the Our River line in the far south in an attempt to prevent the encirclement and elimination of 28/109. This could backfire on me, but will require Tom to gamble on getting the right sequence of combat results and willingness to draw some of 5th Panzer Army away to assist 7th Army. Hex 1218 is a bulwark of my opening defense and Tom has denied me access to it. The result is my defense along the Our River line is a little less stable in the center than I like. The remainder of my opening defense consists of positions that minimize the German die roll modifiers and gives me the best chance of minimizing losses to the U.S. 2nd Inf Div (the cornerstone of the early American defense). I could have placed a stronger unit in Monschau, but I'm hoping Tom will use all or part of 12th SS to attack the town. Any stronger defense and he may settle for a low odds attack to firefight or engage the defender, and I would rather it be a 5-3-4 than a 6-5-4.

-- Randy

LQ Rating:  3  (No attacks but the surrounded element of the 106th survived an isolation roll.)

Public Comments:

"Tom's Opening is not too unusual. He is attacking both the 28/112 and the 106/424 which means he must take lower odds against the 28/110. This is also effected by the 4-1 vs 14CAV.  All in all, nothing wrong with how he is doing it."  -- Bob Ryan

"Sorry about the lack of push against the cav, Tom, but at least you attrited it. And the D2 aginst the 394th is nice."  --  Steve Likevich 

German Combat

Red = Outcome (LQ Rating)    Blue = German unit    Green = Allied Unit

1.  Adj (20) vs 109 (10) @1-1(-1) = 5 = 4 = ENG (1)

2.  Adj, 406A (29) vs 9/CCA (14) @1-1(-1) = 6 = 5 = SU (5.5)

3.  Adj, 408 (8) vs 4/12 (8) @1-2 (-1) = 4 = 3 = A1(4), 212/423 to 0431

4.  Surprise vs 110 = 1 = No Fear (4.5)

5.  Adj (ex 78), 766 (31) vs 110 (10) @2-1 = 1 = D2 (3.5), 28/110 retreats to 1623, 2/2, 26/77 advance to 1424

6.  Surprise vs 112 = 5 = Yes!  Run, Yankee, run! (2)

7.  Adj, 401 (30) vs 112 (5 + 174,402A) @3-1 = 3 = D1 (5), 28/112 retreats to 1219, 62/164 advances to 1220.

8.  Surprise vs 424 = 6 = Yes!  Head for the hills....(2)

9.  Adj (14) vs 424 (4) @4-1 = 3 = D3 (3), 106/424 retreats to 1119, 116/156 to 1119, 18/293 to 1118

10.  Surprise vs 14AC = 4 = No.  Like a rock. (4.5)

11.  Adj, 388 (45) vs 14AC (4 + 333A) = 1 = 1D1 (4), 14AC(r) to 0813; 3/9, 18/294, Lehr Recon to 0714

12.  Adj (20) vs 394 @3-1 = 2 = D2 (2); 99/394 retreats to 0912; 3/5, 12/27 to 0812, 12/48, 12/89 to 0811.

13.  Adj, 402A (15) vs 393 @2-1 = 3 = CA (5)

14.  Adj, 405A (15) vs 102AC, 406 (13) @1-1 = 3 = FF (1); 102AC and 326/753 reduced.