December 20 PM


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"The Rail Splitters arrive; OKW is not worried."

German 20 PM Allied 20 PM  
Ger20PMAdvance.png (344157 bytes)I still believe the South is vulnerable and will try to push hard. In the North, more attrition is in order. My armored division components are 'back in contact' with one another so I should be able to have some flexibility with regards to flank attacks. Minor observation: The US chose to optimize their defensive positioning but the cost was that no units were in place to blow bridges. Major observation: I am not at all pleased with my position - I'm falling further behind in terms of both casualties and territory...

It's 20PM and both Randy and I agree that the Germans have 3-4 turns left in which to act before the game will be 'set'. During the next two game days, the Wermacht needs to:

bulletStretch out the US line, (to be evidenced by no stacked defenders)
bulletInflict maximum casualties, and
bulletPrepare the Southern screen against Patton & Co.,

In order to do that, my operational activities will include making as many attacks as possible that will go off at 1-1 or better, outflank Verviers to the North and drive towards Liege, work my way through the central woods, and push hard in the south where the US is relatively thin. Of course, I will also minimize the US counterattacking opportunities by keeping leaders near the front and avoiding advances into potential 'death traps' where the US uses two or three ground units backed by two or three artillery to get high odds against surrounded German units. My Panzer divisions are 'back in contact' and I'm going to try to ensure that I get as many (-2) attacks as possible. I will have to decide whether or not to go for Bastogne after this turn as my front line is now about a 'half-day's drive' to the west of the town and I don't want to spend a lot of time in transit. 10 attacks on the way...

Post Combat Summary:  Blech.  Minimal attrition, minimal territory gain.

--  Tom

US20PMMove.png (299257 bytes)

Two points from Tom's most recent turn are now obvious to me. He is reluctant to advance into a position which would leave his units open to counterattack and by moving his corps artillery out of range of Bastogne he has little intention of attacking the fortified town. I want him to reconsider the latter. To do so will require I convince him that the Allies are capable of fortifying Marche to at least the same degree as Bastogne. That will take some creative positioning in front of the town to prevent him from advancing adjacent to it to block the construction of a fort. I would like to blow the Verviers bridges, but the town is a risky position for me. I have decided to staff it with a reduced combat command, which will have to be written off. My goal the next couple of turns is to prevent the Germans from reaching the Northern Ourthe River Crossings until 22AM. That will give the Brits the time to get into positions behind the Meuse River. Grandmenil is an excellent road block to defend, although a bit untenable at this stage. A reduced regiment here will serve to frustrate German movement. Once again, I will call upon the U.S. 3rd Armor to serve as a roadblock Southwest of Verviers.

--  Randy

LQ Rating:  3.75 LQ Rating:  5.5 (0 for 3 on bridge demolitions)
Public Comments:

German Combat

Red = Outcome (LQ Rating)   Blue = German unit   Green = Allied Unit

1. 1904 5-1(-2) 1-2=-1 1D4 (2)
    7/CCA(r) Elim
    12SS/12, 12SS/25 to 2004
    12SS/26, 12/89 to 1904

2. 1702  4-1(-2) 6-2=4 D2 (5)
    7/CCR(r), 2/9 to 1901
    Peiper, 326/752(r) to 1801
    1SS/1, 1SS/2, 3PzG/29 to 1802

3. 2105 3-1 3 D1 (4)
    Hodges, 30/120, 3/39(r) to 2204
    2SS/2, 2SS/3 to 2105

4. 2411 3-1(-1) 3-1=2 D2 (2)
    1/16 to 2610
    9SS/19, 9SS/20 to 2410
    3/9(r) to 2412
5. 2615 2-1(-2) 1-2=-1 D4 (3)
    9/CCB to 3015
    62/190, 116/60 to 2716
    3/5(r), 116/16 to 2615
    116/156, 18/293 to 2614

6. 3322 4-1 2 = D4 (3)
    82/325 to 3722
    Lehr/901 to 3422
    5/14, 26/39, 560/1129 to 3321

7. 3120 7-1(-1) 3-1=2 1D3 (3)
    101/502(r) to 3418
    2/2, 62/164 to 3018
    2/304, 560/1128 to 3119
    2/3 to 3219

8. 3525 5-1 6 D1 (6)
    82/505 to 3624
    Lehr Recon to 3524
    5/13, 212/423, Lehr/130 to 3525

9. 3-1 3 D1 (4)
    82/504 to 3630
    Lehr/902 to 3629
    352/916, 560/1130(r) to 3530

10. 1-1(-1) 6-1=5 SU (5.5)

Allied Combat

Bridge Demolitions