December 21 PM


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"Fortress Marche!"

German 21 PM Allied 21 PM  
Ger21PMAdvance.png (331909 bytes)The Germans face a dilemma. Should they go for the surrounding of Marche or instead push forces into the soft spot between Rochefort and Marche? Pushing NW to the east of Marche will put more pressure on the Allied Ourthe river defense but may be giving up an opportunity to further stretch the Allied defence. On the other hand, pushing NW out of Rochefort may dilute the German schwerpunkt that is forming up against the Ourthe between Hotton and Aywaille.

Elsewhere, I will continue to stay clear of the US 3rd Armored road block and will try to continue pressing on it's flanks. Herve must fall! I would love a big retreat there. My Patton defense is as thin as I've ever had it at this point; I get goosebumps just thinking about the scrambling I need to do to get into my 22AM defensive positions. The 20th US unit will die this turn; I'm way behind schedule...

Post Combat Summary:  The Germans got a streak of good luck and, I believe, caused some serious damage on the Southern front.  (I was pleased that did not get any D1* (attrition) results given last turn's carnage.)  The US Army can cover the front but will really have to start thinning out the line in the North.  Herve was captured and Marche was surrounded so I did accomplish my main objectives.

With my forces being 'out of the woods' in both the North and Center, the US defense will have to be very well thought out as there will be roughly a 2-shift differential in most attacks.  (+1 column for combined arms vs -1 column for rough or heavy woods terrain.)  

Many of my mech divisions are now in 'tight formation' so as to mitigate the effect of the US 3rd Armor which is providing the US with it's first potential flank attack threat.

All-in-all, I was quite pleased with the results of this turn and look forward to watching the doughboys scramble...


US21PMMove.png (249795 bytes)Tom just did a Southern repeat of the one-two punch I experienced earlier around Martelange and Neufchateau - a combination of Engaged and Firefight, which will result with a follow-up surround and unit elimination. Nice die rolls. My defense of Hotton also proved a disappointment. The defending 6-5-4 not only took a hit but a big retreat as well, allowing the Germans to easily surround and place the Marche defenders out of supply. On the bright side, I took no losses in the North.

The Allied defense will be somewhat brittle this turn, which is to be expected considering my heavy commitment to fortification defense and Tom's continued success in the South. I have no choice but to split up U.S. 3rd Armor. It was glorious to have maintained it together for three consecutive turns without loss. I would like to build a fortification or two in Liege, but simply can't afford the unit(s) to do so. There are some very key bridges in and around Durbuy that I need to blow this turn. These blown bridges would reduce the German advance after combat potential because there are no German infantry or grenadiers starting the upcoming turn adjacent to the river hexsides.


LQ Rating:  3.06 LQ Rating:  3.5  (2 out 3 bridges blown)
Public Comments:

German Combat

Red = Outcome (LQ Rating)   Blue = German unit   Green = Allied Unit

2302:  Adj. + 405A (57) vs 14 + 190A @3-1(-2) = 4 = 2 = D2 (4)
    5/CCR, 9/39(r) to 2502
    1SS/Peiper to 2401
    1SS/1, 1SS/2(r), 277/991(r) to 2402
    3PzG/29, Dietrich to 2302
    277/989 to 2201
2605:  Adj. + 402A (46) vs 6 + 179A @3-1(-1) = 3 = 2 = D2 (4)
    2/9 to 2805
    12SS/12, 3PzGr/8 to 2604
    12SS/26 to 2605
    12/48 to 2706
    326/753(r) to 2606
3012:  Adj (40) vs 8 + 187,406A @3-1(-1) = 1 = 0 = D4 (2)
    10/CCA to 3312
    62/190, 2SS/3, 2SS/4 to 3012
    116/60 to 3114
    116/16 to 3113
2812:  Adj (13) vs 2 @6-1 = 2 = 1D2 (4.5)
    101/502(r) Eliminated
    3/8, 212/316, 18/293 to 2912
2710:  Adj (28) vs 4 @6-1 = 4 = D4 (4)
    84/335 to 2909
    9SS/20, 18/294(r) to 2708
    12/27, 3/9(r) to 2709
    18/295 to 2810
3317:  Adj (68) vs 12 + 333A @4-1(-2) = 1 = -1 = 1D3 (1)
    1/18(r) to 3615
    9SS/19, 62/164 to 3317
    GD/Fuh Esc, 5/14 to 3415
    2/3 to 3417
    2/304 to 3416
    2/2 to 3316
3923:  Adj (18) vs 4 + 174A @1-1 = 3 = FF (1)
    82/325 reduced
    212/423 reduced
4231:  Adj (27) vs 4 + 402A @2-1 = 5 = ENG (2)
4229:  Adj (29) vs 4 @6-1 = 5 = D3 (5)
    82/505 to 4429
    Lehr 902 to 4330
    26/77 to 4329
    Lehr 901 to 4229

Allied Combat

Bridge Demolitions

3314 (1-4) = 5 = Fizzle.

3213 (1-4) = 4 = Boom!

2805 (1-4) = 1 = Boom!